New LinkAhead Introductory Series: Upcoming Online Events

In the month of October of 2022, IndiScale will offer a total of three events introducing LinkAhead and its functionalities.

The events are also to be found with their respective meeting links at

Here is the list of our events for 2022:

LinkAhead Introduction

Data Management from Acquisition to Publication

06.10.2022, 16:00

Learn how LinkAhead assists you during your work and how you can adapt your data management to the ever changing requirements of science with ease.

Data Integration with LinkAhead

Integrating Electronic Lab Notebooks, File Servers and other Data Sources

13.10.2022, 16:00

Automation is key. Learn how the LinkAhead Crawler harvests complete file servers and how you can interconnect LinkAhead with other parts of your RDM (research data management) infrastructure. We present the examplary integration of eLabFTW.

LinkAhead DIY

How to Get Started with LinkAhead

20.10.2022, 16:00

LinkAhead is open source software. Here, we show you how you can create your own modern data management system using only publicly available resources.

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