New LinkAhead Release 0.16.0 We just released a new LinkAhead version which fixes a wherepermissions could be missing when using custom webinterfaceconfiguration files or custom web applications (seelinkahead-control#7). We also updated the underlying LinkAhead components to their most recent versions (see and fixed some minor bugs. As usual, you can download the Debian packagehere.…
Love Your Data – Research Data Spring Cleaning
Love your data – Research data spring cleaning Who hasn’t experienced this? The directories with the research data from the working group are overflowing and nobody really knows where to start. As part of Love Data Week, we want to introduce you to a simple method that you can use to get your data and…
RuQaD Demonstrator
The RuQaD Demonstrator is the main product of the project “RuQaD Batteries – Reuse Quality-assured Data for Batteries”. The project is a sub-project of the FAIR Data Spaces project, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the Förderkennzeichen FAIRDS05 (PR697238) Find the code and docs at github.
BatCAT: 2nd Consortial Meeting was a success
BatCAT: 2nd Consortial Meeting was a success One year after the BatCAT project kick-off, the second in-person consortial meeting will take place at RPTU in Kaiserslautern at the end of 2024. BatCAT aims to create a digital twin for battery manufacturing by 2027 through the development of an overarching data space of two technologies: Li-ion…
Press release: IndiScale supports monitoring study on violence against women
Press release: IndiScale supports monitoring study on violence against women An alarming assessment: The ‘Monitor Violence against Women’ shows the need for action to curb gender-specific violence based on a comprehensive data analysis.The German Institute for Human Rights was commissioned by the Federal Government to report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on combating…
Press release: IndiScale supports data collection for monitoring study on human trafficking in Germany
Press release: IndiScale supports data collection for monitoring study on human trafficking in Germany The German government has entrusted the German Institute for Human Rights with reporting on the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and the EU Directive against Trafficking in Human Beings. The German Institute…
New LinkAhead Release 0.15.1
New LinkAhead patch release 0.15.1 fixes two bugs that occurred during docker image build.
New LinkAhead Release 0.15.0
LinkAhead Release v0.15.0
First BatCAT paper about the project design
The recently published position paper “Battery manufacturing knowledge infrastructure requirements for multicriteria optimization based decision support in design of simulation” presents the focus of the BatCat project, the underlying architecture and the technologies based on it. LinkAhead is used as the core component of the data infrastructure and functions as a knowledgebase for exchanging data…
Five years of agile research data management
What started out as a research project has developed into a successful company that is enjoying constant growth thanks to our great team and our loyal customers and partners. We have been working continuously on our vision for the past five years: to be able to map research processes completely digitally in the future. This…