LinkAhead Pro: Support and Training

Support for LinkAhead and beyond

Reliable software and workflows are essential for an efficient working environment. We will support your data management workflows based on LinkAhead to Service Level Agreements of your choice. This involves priority support via email and phone, as well as regular video calls to keep in touch with you and your user experience.

Training: LinkAhead and data management

You and your team will get to know the LinkAhead environment step by step in one-day training sessions (beginner & advanced). Our experts guide you through relevant use cases and you train in practical lessons how to get the most out of LinkAhead. We get you ready for routine use in daily practice.

Depending on your use cases, we suggest training sessions for:

  • Everyday use of LinkAhead: Learn about data models, how to efficiently use the web interface, about LinkAhead’s simple yet powerful searching possibilities, and how to import and export data.
  • Dive into your data: LinkAhead is more than just data and a web site. Learn how to automate your data management tasks with Python, integrate data sources automatically with the crawler framework and how to extend LinkAheads capabilities.
  • Behind the scenes: Setting up user authentication, file system integration and automatic backup strategies will make you and your system administrators fit for common and rare challenges.

If you want to go more into the depths of data management, our Structured Data workshop combines generic data management topics with an hands-on introduction to LinkAhead.

Get started with agile software projects

Are you starting your own software project or wondering how to make an existing project more professional? Take advantage of our specific expertise in software development and server administration and get an intensive training.

Topics covered are: Continuous integration, unit testing, Gitlab, release cycles, licenses, and more. We also give you insights into the professional standards for planning and implementing agile projects, so you can immediately apply your newly acquired skills in a targeted and efficient manner.


Are your server administrators too busy to keep an eye on yet another important service? We gladly take over this burden from you. Our team of experienced sysadmins will oversee the installation and initial configuration of your LinkAhead instance, take care of regular backups, install updates and provide assistance with customization at your site.